bambaiSe Home Decor Items

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bambaiSe - Unique Home Decor Items

About the Brand

Bambaise is enlightening, alluring, and lovable, just like single-origin coffee. By incorporating the traditional Mandala art in a line of products that blend in perfectly with your home, workplace, and lifestyle, our family embraces our ethnicity and roots. Each item has a distinctive style that was made to express calm and serenity while yet being primarily functional.

All of our home decor items are made to last and reflect our principles of "quality with beauty." Everything that you can see was produced in India. The Mandala is a powerful symbol of life's interconnection and transience. Despite the fact that the tradition of making mandalas has its roots in Buddhist cultures from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Indonesia, China, and Tibet, its message has now permeated all corners of the world. Through its fundamental principles, the Mandala has given rise to a language of design that is distinct and distinctive in its own right. Through this design, people of many cultures and nationalities have attempted to come together.